The pieces of the modern and classical music from the repertoire
- I.Stravinsky “Les Noces” Time:24 min (two traditional wedding ceremonies as its folk sources. Time 25+25 min)
- “Renard” Time:18 min
- Russian cycles: "Podbliudny pesni”\ The Fortune tales \,“Koshachy kolybelny “\Cat lullabies\," Pribautky “ \ Witty saying\, "Four Russian songs" ( 4 Russian cycles with the authentic lyrics in special vocal arrangement for Pokrovsky ensemble) (the texts are traditional) Time 20min
- V.Martynov "Night in Galicia"(for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble with the Velimir Khlebnikov’s lyrics) Time: 1 hour, 20 min Persons: 12 singers and 10 strings (Tatiana Grindenko’s “Opus posth”) ( vocal fragments could be performed separately)
- S.Rakhmaninov "Three Russian songs"(by folk lyricks)
- A. Raskatov “ Voices of frozen land”(for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble with folk sources’s lyrics from winter to summer solstices ) Persons: 7 singers , winds and percussions (folk) Time: 15min
- S. Berynsky “Motet” (prayers and psalms by 4 ancient languages – Latin,Church Slavonic, Jewish, Armenian) Persons: 10-11 singers Time: 15 min
- B. Bartok “Falun”/ “ Drei Dorfszenen” (“Three Wedding scenes”) (for women choir and chamber orchestra) Time: 10 min
- L.Desyatnikov "Pinega tale" with the folk lyrics processed by B.Shergin
- A.Mikhailova "Fortune-tales" with the folk lyrics and M.Tsvetaeva verses for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble
- V. Nikolayev " On the brinks" ( music in misenscenes for three singers and the tape) the theatrical performance dedicated to Dmitry Pokrovsky and accompanied by sources including the authentic voice of the late great founder of the ensemble Time :30 min
- V. Nikolayev"Paraskaz"( by 2 famous tales of Alexandr Pushkin) ( The performance in style of the Russian traditional street theatre(“balagan”) Time : 30 min
- V. Nikolayev “U la ri u di la” (for vocal ensemble) Time: 10 min
- V.Nikolayev "Play" (for folk group and violinist)Time 20 min
- I.Yusupova " No more the sea"(by Alexandr Vvedensky’s lyrics) ( The performance in style of the Russian “school” theatre for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble ) Time:30 min
- I.Yusupova "Ballad, Nocturne, Song" ( for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble with the lyrics by Alexandr Pushkin) Time: 25min (with the piano)
- I.Yusupova "Retro-suite"( new music for Russian silent movie of 1935 "Flight to the Moon")
- A.Batagov “When the horses die..”(by Velimir Khlebnikov’s lyrics) Time:6min
- A.Batagov "For Dmitri Pokrovsky"
- I.Astakhova “Spirit Day” for women ensemble(the texts are traditional) Time: 12 min
- A.Sheludiakov “3 songs”for men vocal ensemble and piano(by lyrics of modern Russian poets) Time: 8 min.
- A.Aigui “Salut to Singing” (by G. Aigui’s lyrics) for singers and chamber orchestra Time:30min
- A.Schnittke “2 songs by A. Pushkin’s lyrics”, time: 6 min
- V.Dashkevich "Requiem" (excerpts), the poems of Anna Akhmatova, time:7min
- V.Dashkevich "Soldier's Requiem"(oratoria with movie) by Y.Kim lyrics(time1h)
- V. Dashkevich "Last love"(cantata) by F.Tiutchev lyrics time:15min)
- R. Schedrin Small cantata from the opera “Not Love alone”(for the vocal ensemble and chamber orchestra)
- R.Schedrin fragments from opera “ Dead Souls”(for the vocal ensemble and chamber orchestra)
- V. Globokar “Kolo”(for vocal ensemble and wind instruments)
- G. Sviridov "Kursky Songs"
- G.Sviridov "Three old songs Kursk Province"- for vocal ensemble , 2 pianos and percussion
- E.Langer “To Da”( for women voices and string ensemble)
- S.Pislari "The bride's farewell"(for Dmitri Pokrovsky ensemble with folk texts in Moldavian)
- A.Varlamov Russian romances on the verses of Russian poets of 19century
- A. Viskov "Horrible Vengeance" (based on the novel by Gogol)for Ensemble and Academical Choir
- A. Viskov "Our Lady's Mysterium " (by medieval texts and poems by Russian poet) for Ensemble and Academical Choir
- Y. Falik "Under the frozen roof ," (poems of Anna Akhmatova)(for vocal ensemble)
- M. Shmotova "Reading Akhmatova"(7 pieces for Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble) time:14 min
- M.Shmotova "Blue ice of Baikal"
- K. Stockhausen "Shtimmung"( for 6 voices ) Tme:1hour
- A. Shelygin "Word about Igor's regiment" Time 1h 10min
- A. Vustin "Wind" (by A.Blok 's poem) time 15min The repertoire renovates by new pieces.For each of you are interested in products may be provided summaries (of participants, the presence / absence of a phonogram, duration, plastic solution, etc.)
- The regular repertoire is constantly updated and supplemented