Following Pokrovsky’s untimely death in 1996, his Ensemble continued his work.
The library character of the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble now runs in two directions. On the one hand, the ensemble is a living, mobile information centre enabling busy city folk to catch a glimpse of the immense musical treasure that the ensemble has come to command. It has also been involved in a total of more than twenty films and in several theatre and television productions. The variety of the Ensemble’s interests is seen in their constant collaboration with contemporary composers, theatrical directors and filmmakers.
On other hand , one of the most fundamental functions of a library is also to conserve the materials that have been gathered and studied, and in the case of the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble this is an exceptional collection indeed, as the intellectual capital of the Ensemble comprises cultural materials of a character that are now more or less endangered just about anywhere you go on the entire planet.
Now the Ensemble applies the principles and technology of tradition singing in modern music.Each modern piece for the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble is a part of traditional musical culture of style and genre attitude.
The broad sweep of Russian geographical diversity is reflected in the amazing cultural plurality of the country: the patriotic and energetic polyphony of the Cossacks in the deep South is like another world compared to the musical ritualsof the darknorthern regions. When the other compass points and the wide-open plaints of Central Russia are taken into the mix, the result is broad cultural lanscape that can easily take a lifetime to explore. The laboratory character of the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble is explained by its broad and comprehensive fieldwork in the sphere of Russian folk music. The Ensemble has not merely visited remote villages in various corners of Russia, but has actually taken up residence and lived as part of these communities so as to be able to study an age-old cultural heritage that continues largely to be orally transmitted from the closest possible perspective. Nor has the Ensemble limited its interests exclusively to music, but also investigated the way of life of these unique communities more extensively, studying the lives of village residents, their daily existence and festive times, their customs and their social interaction. The through research work of the Pokrovsky Ensemble is also reflected in the material and external aspects of its operations, with performances on original instruments and in traditional Russian folk attire. The Ensemble works with materials drawn from an immense variety of sources ranging from medieval Russian village songs to the very latest pieces of the country’s contemporary composers.
In 2023, the Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble celebrated its 50th anniversary.
The Pokrovsky Ensemble became the laureate of the 4th prize of the Public Charity Fund of Yuri Lyubimov. The prize is awarded "for professionalism, dedication, clear expression of citizenship"