The influence of the October revolution of 1917 in Russia on the fate of the world cannot be overestimated. It has shaken and changed in many ways not only the political, but also the spiritual, social and cultural foundations of humanity. Changes have affected all spheres of life. New ideas required new ways of their transfer and implementation. One of the first who responded sensitively to this creative community, offering innovative, revolutionary forms of visual propaganda. The bright, poster, accessible and optimistic art of "Live Newspapper" - a theatrical performance based on actual situations -became extremely popular in the 20-30s of the XX century. It actively used the principles, forms and techniques of the national theater, as well as folk performances "Petrushka", "Boat", "King Maximilian" and others. Having enriched traditional plots with new contents, creativity of theatrical troupes of " Live Newspaper "in turn in itself formed the basis of modern theater with its relevance and lack of "the fourth wall " between actors and the audience. The program includes songs, marches, fairy tales and interludes of the period of creation of a new ideology, the time of victory and formation of Soviet power, the era of change…